Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Historic Landing of B747 di LTAK (17.06.09)

Today, kuching residents will have the opportunity to witness the first full capacity B747 aircraft land at Kuching International Airport. The event is in conjuction with the opening of the new runway extension. The runway is officiated by The Prime Minister of Malaysia and Kuchingites can feel pround that our runway is the third that can accomondate the landing of Superjumbo jet Airbus A380 after KLIA and Langkawi International Airport.

enjoy the picture...Click Here


Mat`amiT said...

nice photos and welcome to the world of blogging

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Walau weyy...nang historical la...mun aku ada sia, mesti best agi.

Bujang jegak seimpang-impang said...

Mat'amit:Haha...thx bro
Willie: ya la bro....ku nunggu u sik datang...haha

designationjazz said...

Helo Con.. br ja singgah kat ctok.. Ko masih join autoshow ka?

redlined said...

xda la rasa ku bro...dah retired...biar org laen gik coba...haha

Anonymous said...

Xda join otoshow gik bro...dah retired...haha...xpat sapot gilak hobby 2015 tok kdk banyak juak racun tangga ku....kekekekekekekekke